Google to close Url Shortening Service by 24th August issued warning for users check details

Google to close Url Shortening Service by 24th August issued warning for users check details

Google to Close Short Link Service: Google has made a special plan for the safety of users. Under Google’s new plan, millions of URLs will be closed soon. Actually, URL is being closed by Google. This URL shortening service will be closed by the company. A deadline has also been set for this. Google will close this URL from 25 August 2025. A warning has also been issued by the company regarding this.

Service will be discontinued after 25 August 2025

According to Google, after August 25, 2025, URLs will appear with 404 error. This means that all links will stop working after August 25, 2025. After this decision of Google, millions of short URLs will be closed.

The company issued a warning

According to Google, users will be sent alerts by August 23. When a user clicks on the link, he will be sent a notification that this service is going to be discontinued. Google will first send this notification to limited people only. But as the date approaches, it will be sent to all users. Google developers and website owners have also been given instructions regarding this short link.

How did this service stop?

Actually, the announcement to shut down this service was made in 2018. After this, the facility of shortening links was discontinued in 2019. Now this link will be closed forever. Let us tell you that this is not the first time that a service has been discontinued by Google. Earlier, Google+, Hangouts, Stadia have been discontinued.

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